A blog from Tonto Books, featuring musings from the publishing world and some occasional special guest appearances.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday teaser...

A new shirt with a number 2 on the back? Hmm...

It can mean only one of two things: either the above canine is a massive Stephen Carr fan (highly unlikely, let's face it), or The Burglar's Dog is back, back, back... More news very soon.


Friday, June 22, 2007

How to get published... last chance!

With lots of exciting books ready to be published and promoted, we've decided that our next creative writing course will be our last for the time being. So this is your LAST chance to sign up! If you are a writer looking to get your manuscript published then our unique course is aimed squarely at you, specifically designed for novelists and short story writers looking to make that difficult leap into publication, it includes a 'How to get published' section, which has proved very popular with previous attendees.

The 5-day Monday to Friday course will run from 23 to 27 July at our new venue in Newcastle upon Tyne. At the time of writing there are just TWO places left, to be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Get full details here.


Friday, June 15, 2007

In Development

A quick update to let you know what we get up to daily and weekly in our new studio.

For the past few weeks, we've been working with our New Novelist, Pete Tanton, on putting the finishing touches to his book, Johnny Lonely.

Released on 30 July 2007, the book is now available for pre-order on amazon and on the Tonto Press website.

Also in development is the Jonny Kennedy biography. Jonny is known worldwide as the subject of the documentary, The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off. We have been developing the manuscript with Jonny's close friend, Roger Stutter, who worked with him on the book before Jonny's death. To be released in September, we will update on further news and publicity as it happens.

More development news to follow.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

More Tonto Author Profiles

There are TWO (count 'em) articles about Tonto in the latest issue of Writers' News, featuring More Tonto Short Stories contributors Katie-Ellen Hazeldine and Daniela Norris. Click on the images to read the articles:

In other news, More Tonto Short Stories was positively reviewed in the Sunday Sun, and Tonto is featured in the latest edition of Newcastle's CityLife. See our latest media coverage here.


Friday, June 08, 2007

Cementing art at the Brick Works

A few weeks ago, David Whetstone of the Newcastle Journal wrote a piece about the opening of the Brick Works studios, including a profile of Tonto...

Studio seven has become the headquarters of the fledgling publishing company run by Paul Brown and Stuart Wheatman.

The pair met on the creative writing MA course at Northumbria University.

"Basically, we set up the company because we thought there weren't enough opportunities for writers in the area to get published, or for new writers anywhere," says Stuart.

Paul elaborates, saying there were poetry publishers but fewer aiming at the more commercial market.

They have enjoyed significant success since setting up the company in November 2005, notably with a book called The Burglar's Dog, an alternative guide to North-East pubs by the fearless critic Mark Jones.

The Tonto pair spotted his successful website and put out a book in the run-up to Christmas. "We sold 4,000 books in the first few weeks," says Paul.

Another commercially successful book was Wor Al, containing fans' memories of Alan Shearer. More than £1,500 was raised through sales for the NSPCC, one of the ex-footballer's favourite charities.

Tonto Short Stories, published with a grant from the Arts Council, featured 20 tales by talented new writers, many from the region.

More Tonto Short Stories, also edited by Stuart and Paul, is published this month, priced £9.99.

A mark of the publishers' success is that it features far more stories from further afield. The Tonto Press name has been circulating widely, mainly via www.tontopress.com.

You can read the full article, with profiles of other Brick Works occupants, here.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tonto Author Profile #4: Peter Parrish

Another More Tonto Short Stories author profiled, this time in the Darlington and Stockton Times: