9987 by Nik Jones is the winner!
The novel received the most votes and will be made available FOR FREE in pdf format throughout March. All you need to do is email me at Tonto with your request.
9987 will also be HALF PRICE THROUGHOUT MARCH! That's right - HALF PRICE!!
All you need to do is email me with your order and I will send you a paypal invoice for the amount.
Each copy of 9987 will be priced at £3.99 with 99p postage, total price: £4.98. Bargain!
Other news:
Today sees the official announcement that I'll be doing the Chicago Marathon in October this year. Yes, you read correctly and no, I'm not drunk.
In October, Tonto will be publishing the biography of Charlie Walduck, the UK's record-breaking slimmer and an inspiration to millions around the world. Charlie lost over 30 stones in weight thanks to Dr Chris Steele and 'This Morning' show.
In an article published in today's Sunday Sun, there is our call for sponsorship. Charlie and I will be running the marathon for charity, but in order to get there, we're looking for corporate sponsorship. In exchange for this, companies will be offered advertising space on us as we run, mentions in all interviews - TV and print media - newspaper follow-ups, a mention in the book and in the documentary being shot to mark our progress.
Read all about it here.Sign up to the newsletter on the Tonto website for more updates.