Thursday 26 July saw the first book launch at Brick Works in Newcastle. The event was Pete Tanton's launch of 'Johnny Lonely', where we enjoyed hosting a packed party. Many of the arts event liggers turned up an hour early to meet Pete (who was fashionably just on time) and hit the refreshments early.
Our very own 'mariachi' provided the music and by 8pm, the building was at bursting point, forcing some outside into the street. Pete took to the stage at 8.15pm for his reading. Choosing a section when the band arrive to play the Artoberfest gig, Pete had us all laughing along as the scene evolved. He stopped reading at the right moment... we all wanted to hear more and I'm sure everyone would have hung around all night to listen.
The launch ended at around 10pm but the party carried on into the Ouseburn. Not for some though... Paul and I had to clean up for our writing course the following morning. Rock n Roll, eh?
It was great to see so many people celebrating the release of a book and the event was a success. With only a few copies of the book left at the end of the night, Pete urged everyone to purchase the book at Borders Silverlink and Team Valley in the North East. Borders are a big supporter of Tonto Press and are stocking the book as well as supporting Pete with signing sessions. Pete's first one will be in August - we'll post more info nearer the time.
The Complete Guide to Becoming a Good Beta Reader
8 months ago
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